Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lesson 9/5/11

I'm sorry I'm getting to this post so late! It's hard to do it on a school night, because when I'm not doing homework I'm trying to relax by reading or watching TV. Hopefully I'll find time to write about my next lesson sooner than the weekend, but don't be surprised if I haven't written till then.

The bad thing about blogging six days later is that I don't really remember everything. So I'll just write about the basics of what we did. I rode with a lady named Sarah, who I think is fairly new to riding. She rode Moo, and I rode Annie. Annie was being really weird though. When I was grooming her she just kind of collapsed, like she was falling asleep. And she was being extra sensitive of people going near her butt or behind her. Luckily though, once we started riding she wasn't too bad, and she wasn't as slow as she was last week either.

I unfortunately didn't get to work on jumping this week, because of Sarah. My instructor can't really give me one-on-one instruction with someone else there. So I worked on getting Annie to move faster, and I worked on getting her to canter without stopping so much. It was hard because every time we went around a corner she would try to slow down.

That's really all I remember. Sorry for any disappointment... But you can still look forward to this week's post, which I promise I will write before next Sunday. :)

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