A couple of days ago the barn owner emailed me asking me if I could help out with a horse show on Saturday the 10th (yesterday). I would get paid 30 dollars (yay!) and it would go from 7am to middle-afternoon. I said yes, of course.
When I got to the barn I met another helper named Alfia. There were other helpers and riders around too. The barn owner had hired someone to trailer their horses to the show (it was about 30 minutes away) because there were maybe seven riders that were going to be in the show, and we needed to bring five horses with us: Dusty, Moo, Annie, Chachi, and Dixie. Annie was trailered seperately than the other horses because there wasn't enough room. We helped load the trailer with all the supplies, like water buckets, hay, grooming tools, and tack, and then we left. I rode in a van with Alfia, four riders, and someone's mom and sister.
When we got to the horse show location I saw there were two rings - a big one and a small one. I think the small one was made of all gravel while the big ring had a ring of gravel around the outside and grass in the middle. Grass was everywhere - it was heaven for the horses! We unloaded the horses and let them graze.
Basically what I did was hold horses that weren't in upcoming classes, and I was just there if anyone needed anything. I took turns holding Dixie with Alfia because she required you to walk with her - she wouldn't stop moving! So while I walked with Dixie, Alfia got to sit down, and vice versa. It was a long day - and it all consisted of standing. It was fun to watch the classes though, and some classes had almost all of the people from our barn in them! It was often chaotic too, because some riders had to share horses or switch them to start their next class. At the end of the day though, when everyone had their ribbons, I was happy I had come. I unfortunately got a horrible sunburn all over my face because I didn't bring sunscreen. It was cloudy when I left my house!
Anyway, by the time we got home I was almost falling asleep standing up. I was so tired from standing all day. But like I said before, I was glad I came, and I even made 30 dollars doing it. :)
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