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My new ribbons! |
My mom, stepdad, and half-sister came to watch my lesson tonight. I always bug them about coming to watch, but they don't like to in the summer when it's really hot and humid, so I was happy they came. We started off the lesson in the big ring and getting our horses to do long strides on the long sides of the ring and short strides on the short sides. Then we did some trotting for a awhile.
After a break (remember how Captain needs a lot of breaks?) we did figure-eights at the walk, trot, and canter. It was easy at the walk, but not as easy with the trot, only because Captain was giving me what my instructor called a "pretty trot" when she wanted a much faster, working trot. Once we started the canter figure-eight, I realized how much I've missed Captain's canter. Annie's is very fast and I sometimes have a hard time sitting with the rhythm, but Captain's is the perfect speed - not too bumpy and very comfortable. Captain also has a much easier time picking up the right lead canter, so the figure-eight was pretty easy. I don't think Jess did a figure-eight at the canter. She just did a small stretch of it at the end of the lesson because I think she's just started.
After the figure-eights we did a canter exercise. We were to all track right and canter on the long sides of the ring and trot on the short sides (Jess just trotted/walked). This exercise went very well for me - I would ask for the canter and Captain would immediately do a perfect transition into his canter, right on cue. My instructor was happy with that I think - and she said my cantering looked "fabulous!" It was also really fun to canter so much. The only thing I said I would like to work on would be my canter to trot transitions. They were pretty bumpy and I think I could do them better.
The last cantering exercise we did was trot diagonally to the far right corner of the riding ring. From there we would turn left and pick up a canter. Captain (as always) did this very well. He really is a great horse. Not to mention he's good-tempered and adorable! We did that a couple of times. To end the lesson and cool down we had to say something about each other rider that we noticed they did well. I hate when we do this kind of stuff, because you have to say it directly to them and it's really awkward for me. So my mind froze up and the first thing I said about Mitchell was "You looked comfortable." That's it. I meant to say he looked comfortable despite his horse being energetic and bucking a little, but the moment had passed and it was Jess's turn. I regretted saying that, but it was too late. Oh well. I said good job to Jess for getting Annie to keep up a trot, since I know that's hard to do. Both Mitchell and Jess said they thought I looked really nice at the canter, so that was a good compliment for me (and Captain!).
Another good thing about tonight was that when we returned to the barn to untack my mom noticed a bag with my name on it containing two ribbons (see picture). The big purple one says Pony Camp and Congratulations on it, while the smaller blue one says First Place and Horse Show. I'm still not really sure why I got them. I think the purple one is just for attending riding camp this summer, and I'm thinking the first place one also has something to do with camp, but I'm not sure what. I'm hoping to get the chance to talk to the stable owner and politely ask her about it, if that's not too weird. All I know is they look great hanging up on my wall, even if I don't know the reason I got them!
Just so you don't come to my blog on Wednesday or Thursday looking for a blog post, I'll tell you now that there won't be one. The volunteer coordinator emailed me and said I wouldn't be needed for this Wednesday, since a kid moved his lesson or something. I will be volunteering on the 24th and 31st of August though, so you can look for blog posts then.
Also, click here to look at a website with articles about Jin Shin Jyutsu (remember that blog post?).
I want a post about what you do on Sundays!
ReplyDeleteI think I know who this is so ill try to work on a post for you :)