Friday, August 5, 2011

New Blog Gadgets and a Shoutout

I know this blog post isn't really about horses, but I just wanted to tell you about some new gadgets I've added to my sidebar, if you haven't seen them already.

The first new thing I've added is a pageview counter. It keeps track of how many times my blog had been viewed. It's actually been counting how many times I've visited it as though, so it's probably not very accurate. I changed a setting so that it won't count my views from now on, but who knows if that will work.

The second gadget I've added is a search bar. It's near the top of my blog, so that if you want to find a certain post or something, you can. It will also search for links I've posted and it will show results from Google (for if you want to look up a certain term I said or things like that).

The last new thing I added isn't really a gadget, but it's also on my sidebar. It's a picture of a horse that I drew a while ago. It's done in colored pencils, and some of you might have already seen this on my Facebook profile, but it's one of my favorites that I've done. I actually drew it by looking at a picture I found in a horse picture book, and it really interested me so I decided to recreate it. I tried to find the original picture so you could see, but for some reason I couldn't find it in the book I had thought it was in. Oh well, I hope you like it anyway.

One thing I've been wanting to do for a while is give a shoutout to anyone who has given me money for riding lessons within the past year. I recently counted all my money, and I discovered I have enough to pay for five more months of lessons! That will last me until after Christmas, which is when I ask for riding lesson money from all my relatives. It was a struggle last year to come up with the money to ride each month, but money wasn't even much of a worry this year. Every little bit counts, and I can't imagine not riding anymore. Thank you!!!

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